
Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday and Monday

I'm grouping Sunday and Monday together because no lie, I slept all day Monday.

SUNDAY was great. We woke up and walked down to a coffee shop on the river. This is where I witnessed one of the coolest things I've seen since I've been here and possibly ever: A Michael Jackson Thriller Flash Mob. Complete with Asians in costume. (See below)

Notice the "Merlion" in the back ground. It supposed to be good luck to take a picture with that thing.

The Palms Casino. 3 skyscrapers with what looks like a boat carefully placed on top. There is a park on that "boat" along with a restaurant and infinity pool. I believe we are going to dinner there tonight or tomorrow, more pics to come when we go.

Sunday was mostly just walking around the neighborhood. I am shocked at how clean everything is here. (I rode the subway earlier and it was SO clean, a definite change from MARTA in ATL, which smells like someone mopped the floors with pee.) We stumbled upon an old British fort called Fort Cannon where apparently if you venture too close to the fence, the shoot you.

But seriously, this place was very cool. Very Asian-y.

We even saw a few old men practicing some form of martial arts.

We also found the tree of life

After leaving Fort Cannon we were sweaty and in great need of a beverage. The humidity here is no joke. Will is too sweet and knows that I'm not the most adventurous eater, so he took me to a western restaurant, we were able to get American style sandwiches so I was happy.

On Sunday night my sleepiness started to set in so we grabbed Wendy's.

Nothing too adventurous yet although I have high hopes for the rest of the week because hopefully I'll be able to keep my eyes open past 4:00 in the afternoon.

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